Divine Branding

Leaving The Matrix – How Spiritual Entrepreneurs Can Navigate Marketing In A Bonkers World

I'm Jenni P

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Ladies do things differently to thrive,
right girls?

Today, I’m daring to talk about something that few will.

If you’re a conscious, spiritual, intuitive, quantum-aware or mystically inclined entrepreneur, you probably feel like you no longer belong in the old marketing world. It’s not just the shifting and worrisome paradigm of world events; the business world is a hurricane! 

Being a mission-led feminine entrepreneur is getting decidedly ‘Indiana Jones’-ish as we build invisible bridges over gaping chasms of not knowing exactly what to do next but believing that the treasure is on the other side of absolute faith, oodles of courage and a smidgin of madness.

Is this resonating for you?

It may be something that scares you, irritates you, frustrates you or irks you on some level because you know how unique and brilliant you are with your gifts, and the same-old, same-old business model options just don’t work for you. So many service providers are lured (in the current marketing Matrix) into cookie-cutter programs and cookie-cutter strategies. And then they struggle in the ‘real world’ to get and keep traction.

You are not a biscuit. You did not come out of a coaching ‘mould’ with a homogenous flavour that looks, sounds and smells like everyone else out there. And then some more.

So stop believing that that is the answer, and stop marketing like that!

Over the last five years, I have moved around countless coaching environments, groups, masterminds, communities, and conversations. Each and every time, I have been swept up in rhetoric and promises. Promises of creating the same results as the leader of the community. Frustration from women as they don’t seem to be able to get someone else formula to work. Don’t get me wrong; I’m not declaring these approaches wrong, just incomplete. 

My progress has been mainly down to my refusal to fit into anyone else’s mould and learn the true nature of manifesting abundance and Preeminence.

Five years ago, I had the fortune to be ‘favoured’ by some synchronistic events that allowed me to channel and discover some cosmic wisdom that turned my life around. To beyond magical.

I have taught that wisdom to dozens of women (with incredible outcomes) and then was guided to cease doing so (for all the reasons I give above!) and go deeper into this wisdom. Two years later, I’m building a potentially-million-dollar brand, but more – a media platform that stands for the catalytic shifts change-makers need to make to be effective in their missions. And the whole project continues to be divinely guided and gilded!

Now, that same wisdom has guided me to know it’s time to bring this wisdom back in response to the crazy paradigm we’re dealing with. This wisdom I call the Trinity Code™.

It is a Panacea for any stuckness, lack of clarity, misalignment, dis-empowerment, under-achievement, and lack of distinction in messaging or branding. It’s also a Panacea for feeling you’re nowhere near your potential, something so many change-makers identify with!

It’s time to leave the ‘Matrix’ that is the old paradigm business and Transcend the maelstrom into your ultimate power and glory. It’s time to step onto that invisible bridge, confident that it will materialise beneath your feet as you cross over towards the hidden temple of treasure. 

In reality, that temple of treasure is in yourself. You are a walking, talking, sacred embodiment of golden gifts. You can take that gold within you in this micro-macro world outside the Matrix and alchemise it into abundance in your bank account. 

The Trinity Code™ is the way. It is unlike any other tool, technique or methodology in the world.

And it ‘finds’ people when they are ready. So I don’t even have to market it.

Remember, no more cookie-cutter Matrix stuff for your purpose and mission!

You are not a biscuit. You are a unique creation of the divine, designed for and entitled to experience a scintillating adventure into your highest life.

Stay on the path to your treasure! It is an adventure that calls from the deepest recesses of your heart’s knowing and the loftiest lightness of your soul self through the sometimes frayed and clumsy vehicle of your physical being. When you’re right slap bang in the middle of a marketing conundrum, this is precisely the thing that will help you transcend!

If you’d like to know more about the Trinity Code™ and how it can build you a soulful brand that is as utterly divine as it is beautiful, have a lookie here and use the contact form or drop me a little old fashioned email at jenni@jenni-p.com. 

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add, unapologetic perfectionist, idealist and nicknamed the Energiser Bunnie!

Hello! I'm Jenni P
I Channel deep wisdom & genius ideas. Obsessed
with all things wellness & aesthetics.

You know that popular idea of 'Getting Paid To Be You'? It's an art and a science and I've mastered it. It makes branding, marketing and purpose-driven business growing a fun & natural part of your own personal fulfilment and in my blog, I share oodles of resources to inspire and help you, so bon appetit!

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